Idimie Barbara Araikpe, who is married to Nelson Ochu, has been accused of committing sacrilege by engaging in lesbianism with her girlfriend, Preye Tarabina. The mother of a 1-year and 9-month-old son, has managed to evade punishment thus far.
Hailing from Bayelsa State of Odi village in Kolokuma local government area. She stands accused of a crime punishable by death under “The same-sex marriage (Prohibition) Bill of 2014”. She is currently on the run from Omoku Ebgada village , a town in Ogba Egbema Local Government Area of Rivers State.
Authorities, including the Nigerian police, her husband’s kinsmen, and traditionalists, are actively seeking her. If you possess any useful information regarding her whereabouts, please report it to the nearest police station.